Easy Summer Craft
When it comes to kids, it is always helpful to have an "I'm bored" solution at-the-ready. So, here is a simple craft for a rainy summer...
I see Summer
From lemonade in the shade to picnics in the park, feel the summer season all around us.
Shaking infants—even once— can kill or injure them for life
Crying babies cause stress for most people. For people not used to it, their response to this stress can be deadly. Here’s what you need...
Drowning kills more kids ages 1-4 than any other cause.
ANY child can drown. ANY time. ANY place. So EVERY one of us needs to know these important facts…and SHARE them: Kids under age 1 most...
Infants are 40 times more likely to die in adult beds than in their own cribs
We know more now about the safest sleep habits for infants than we used to. Statistics like the headline above don’t lie. Here’s what...
CDC Issues Warning About Kellogg's Honey Smacks: "Do Not Eat This Cereal"
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a statement about popular Kellogg's cereal Honey Smacks that has been linked...
Mouse's First Summer
Mouse and Minka invite you to celebrate summer with a picnic in the park. Roll down the hill on tickly green grass. Fly fluttery kites...